Mr.Fred Vacelet

Area Of Expertise : Financial Risk Management
24 Years Of Experience
Training Industry : Banking & Insurance

Fred Vacelet is a Financial Risk Management Consultant with international expertise in Risk Management methodological frameworks. His experience spans some 20 years, advising banks, software houses and others on risk management. Fred holds various degrees, including from London Business School, with post-graduate studies at the Technische (then West)-Berlin and Keio (Japan) universities. A qualified Islamic Finance person (IFQ), he is a magazine author on risk management and Basel Accords, and a regular speaker at conferences.
The client list includes ABN Amro, Barclays, CDC Paris, Credit Suisse, DePfa, Deutsche Bank, a few City hedge funds, IBM Consulting (Banking and Finance), Sungard, Lloyds TSB, National Bank of Egypt, the UK Regulatory body (now PRA), Reuters, and numerous other institutions of various countries and sizes. Fred runs training courses and workshops with participants from various banks around the world.

5 results Found
Recorded Webinar

New Stress-Testing Scenarios For 2020

Provided scenarios are not hinted or even provided by a regulator, regulated financial institutions have to find relevant and up-to-date scenarios. Unregulated firms, if there are, also have to find stress-test scenarios that are of use for strategic managemen ...

  • Intermediate
  • 90 Mins
Recorded Webinar

Risk Self-assessment: Highlights On a Few Critical Areas

After going through the definition and nature of an ERM program, we go through the different merits of including self-assessments. We then highlight the specificities of the 3 areas mentioned: generic ERM, IT risk and internal controls.  We highlight a few sp ...

  • Intermediate
  • 90 Mins
Recorded Webinar

Stress-Testing in Financial Institutions: Selecting Appropriate Scenarios

Stress-testing, as practiced in most institutions, is much too often hijacked by regulatory necessity: to improve one’s standing for the authorities, or by reputational necessities: to reassure the public. Hence, it seldom turns out to the useful exercise it c ...

  • Intermediate
  • 90 Mins
Recorded Webinar

New Paradigm in Risk Management and Compliance: How to Anticipate and Prepare for More Regulatory Scrutiny

Requirements for news thinking in 2007-08 2007: lack of thinking of what could happen, and indeed did happen next Post-2007 thinking on risk management and regulation The slow process of percolating Coming back to old thinking after licking wounds The p ...

  • Intermediate
  • 90 Mins
Recorded Webinar

Implementing a Risk Management Program in a Financial Institution

Once it has been taken on that risk management implies management, that a risk management programme includes a change of culture, and that a risk management programme is better launched when setting up the company, we can figure out that such critical aspect a ...

  • Intermediate
  • 90 Mins