Dynamic Arrays in Excel: Unleash the Potential of Excel Formulas

Schedule Tuesday, June 11, 2024 || 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT
Duration 90 Mins
Level Intermediate
Webinar ID IQW23L1256

  • What are dynamic array formulas, and how do they differ from traditional Excel formulas
  • Write your first dynamic array formulas
  • Understand how to connect to spill ranges and common errors when things go wrong
  • Pro tips on how to use them effectively, and when not to use them
  • Learn the best dynamic array functions in Excel
  • Create tables, reports, and models from just a single formula
  • Use other Excel features such as charts and data validation rules with dynamic arrays

Overview of the webinar

Discover the game-changing power of dynamic arrays in Excel. In this concise and insightful session, learn the essential skills to leverage Excel's full formula potential.

Dynamic array formulas empower us to return multiple results from a single formula and go beyond the Excel grid in working with and calculating data.

In the session, we will journey from basic to advanced formula examples showcasing how these formulas can revolutionize your spreadsheets. 

The game is changing, do not get left behind.

Who should attend?

  • Business Analysts 
  • Accountants finance
  • Data Analysts
  • All Excel Users

Why should you attend?

Attending this webinar is a must for anyone looking to elevate their Excel proficiency. Dynamic arrays are the game-changer that can transform your spreadsheet game. With the ability to extract multiple results from a single formula, they break free from Excel's conventional limitations, unleashing the full potential of your data manipulation.

This concise session promises to equip you with essential skills, taking you from the basics to advanced formula applications. You'll witness firsthand how dynamic arrays can revolutionize your spreadsheets, streamlining complex calculations and enhancing data analysis. Don't be left behind in the ever-evolving world of Excel – join us in this webinar and stay ahead of the game. Master dynamic arrays and supercharge your spreadsheet capabilities today!

Faculty - Mr.Alan Murray

Alan Murray is a Microsoft MVP and Excel trainer. He has been helping people in Excel for over 20 years. He loves training and the joy he gets from knowing he is making people’s working lives easier.

Alan runs his own blog - Computergaga (https://computergaga.com) and writes for multiple other websites. His YouTube channel has over 600 videos and over 40 million views.

He organizes a free monthly Excel meetup in London where anyone can come learn Excel, chat, and enjoy each other’s company.

Alan is the author of the best-selling ‘Advanced Excel Formulas’ and ‘Advanced Excel Success’ books.

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